
If you've been thinking...
"Why does everyone else seem to have it so much more ‘together’ than I do?”
“Why can’t I be happy with the beautiful life I have?”
“I don’t even know what can make me happy anymore.”
“I forget how to have fun.”
“When I get a moment to myself, all I know how to do is stare at my phone.”
“I don’t want to be touched, much less have sex!”
“I feel angry all the time.”
“No one seems to know how hard I’m working just to keep it all running.”
“I don’t know who I am anymore.”

you're not alone.
Hi, I'm Tricia.

Think of me as your therapy doula, here to help you birth your greatest life chapter.
A life filled with more purpose, joy, awe, pleasure, desire, passion, fun, and connectedness is already
growing within you. ​Reclaim can help you discover that life and expand to make room for all its potential.
This "discovering a life of joy" stuff is no easy task! Most women carry years of internalized expectations, guilt, shame, resentment, and fear. As women, we are often consciously or unconsciously living a life rooted in messages that a good mother, partner, friend, daughter is selfless, attuned to everyone else's needs, and ready to sacrifice pleasure in order to be worthy of love. Sometimes, we even feel as though finding joy for ourselves is a direct threat to the relationships and structures that make us feel safe. In my 25 years of experience of providing counseling to women, I have come to understand these struggles as universal, manifesting in deeply personal ways in our individual lives.
My associates and I are here to help you identify the barriers that keep you from what brings you most alive. When you are ready to move beyond feeling stuck, disillusioned, and overwhelmed, we are here to help you live the life waiting for you.
Learn more about me and the work I do with women HERE.​​

​While women often find their way to our office in the midst of a psychological, emotional, or relational storm, they tend to find the most meaningful therapeutic work exists after the storm has been weathered, when they are ready to reclaim a life that holds more possibility and purpose. True healing - true LIVING - calls us back home to ourselves to reconnect with or discover for the first time what ignites us, what gives us a sense of vitality, what allows us to truly flourish rather than simply exist.